Cos Therapy Ltd.

LNC UV Protecter

LNC 胎盤防曬修護乳液以高防曬係數SPF50+PA++++強力對抗紫外線,同時兼具優質護膚效果。作為皮膚調理成分的胎盤素精華和甘草酸二鉀等物理性防曬成份,全面阻隔UV保護肌膚免受外界傷害。 LNC 極致防曬乳僅使用紫外線散亂劑。紫外線會在皮膚表層被反射開,不會進入皮膚。本防護膜不會被紫外線分解,因此只要能維持防曬乳塗抹的狀態,並不需要補塗。防水且不添加紫外線吸收劑、色素、香料、酒精、防腐劑之配方, 清爽不黏膩、不易泛白。

[ Capacity ]



Main Effect :

• SPF50
• PA+++
• Resistance to UVA / UVB UV attack
• Defense against light aging
• Can be used directly as a moisturizing cream or makeup front cream


Shake the sunscreen lotion, take appropriate amount of use, in case of sweat or wipe after the need to re-smear. Belong to the type of waterproof, use after the use of remover or soap carefully clean and clean.