Cos Therapy Ltd.

Derma Veil #1
Derma Veil Logo

Derma Veil ®童顏針 , 輪廓塑型專家,衝破規限,採用新一代3R微分子膠原技術深入真皮層,由內至外飽滿皮膚及嫩化膚質。


LHALALA PEEL & Fill 是韓國首個LHA醫療產品,結合L'OREAL 開發的「LHA第四代果酸煥膚」新概念,採用獨特配方成份HP-SolTM 做到溫和煥膚同時即時填充, 打造年輕健康肌膚。


DENBA Technology 的靈感來自於水。“流水不腐”是日本的一句名言,與英語中的 “A rolling stone gathers no moss” 同義。

N-Finders #2

N-FINDERS 鎖定提升線系列在韓國具有領導地位的醫學級品牌,針對面部及頸部不同肌理及輪廓特性,推出PDO 埋線產品系列。

GHC #5

JBP 胎盤素的製造過程要求遵照高度嚴格的醫療藥用品標準,佔據胎盤市場 80% 佔有率,擁有最嚴格的安全措施。

LNC #6

LNC 極致奢華滋養馬胎盤素系列, 採用尖端生物基因技術,萃取胎盤活性元素,成份非常珍貴。

JBP #4


MTS #7

是由美國Clinical Resolution Laboratory Inc. 所研製,此系統除了專利微針滾輪外、 並包含一系列專利配方精華素及護理產品。

Minus #7

Minus S Solution是一種特別調制的草本溶液,採用天然草本成份來減少脂肪細胞的體積,從而修飾臉部輪廓。

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【N-Finders N-FIX 蝴蝶線 】

創新反轉傳統外鈎設計,將特製精密雙向內鈎收入 #PDO線 身內, 仿製 #吸盤 嘅原理固定皮膚組織,從而提升 #面部整體輪廓, 為顧客締造 #輪廓蛻變

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【N-Finders N-FIX 蝴蝶線 】

創新反轉傳統外鈎設計,將特製精密雙向內鈎收入 #PDO線 身內, 仿製 #吸盤 嘅原理固定皮膚組織,從而提升 #面部整體輪廓, 為顧客締造 #輪廓蛻變

Create & Innovate Your Beauty

Medical & Skin Care


Medical Care

Cos Therapy closely follows the trend of medical beauty in Hong Kong and the pan-Asian region, takes care of the needs of customers in an all-round way and is committed to designing safer and more rational medical beauty solutions. Cos Therapy is the exclusive agent for Hong Kong and Macau to import high-quality beauty products from the United States, South Korea and Japan, and has obtained certification from international authoritative organizations and a number of international awards. Led by an authoritative team of doctors and combined with scientific clinical evidence, under the condition of ensuring product safety and meeting customer needs, combined with the advantages of different brands and products, a full-effect and multi-functional medical beauty plan is combined to achieve the best treatment effect. We believe that every guest has his own unique beauty. In order to make our guests get the best results, we provide the most professional and safe medical beauty solutions to help each guest inspire their own self-confidence beauty.


Skin Care

Cos Therapy skin care and beauty program combines Eastern and Western skin care philosophies, advocating precious and rare skin care ingredients based on human nutrition and natural herbal formulas, fully combining traditional Eastern medicine wisdom and Western skin care spirits to combine Eastern and Western beauty concepts and healthy life philosophies Carry forward. Cos Therapy skin care and beauty solutions have always put customer safety first, introducing top-notch beauty equipment and a series of skin care products with precious ingredients, and striving to provide products with excellent quality. The products provided are all genuine products from the original factory, with a number of international authoritative certifications, and the treatment effect is guaranteed to a certain extent, giving beauty salons and medical beauty clinics the greatest confidence.

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CosTherapy is committed to providing customers with quality, safe and reliable medical cosmetic treatment solutions, we adopt rigorous criteria to evaluate the production of medical products from different countries, each category to take the best products. It is also a mission for CosTherapy to source premium medical cosmetic products across the world to diversify our current offerings.

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