Cos Therapy Ltd.


JBP CURACEN is approved by the Korea Drug and Food Agency KFDA, and it is a cosmeceutical product specially developed for cosmetic efficacy. It contains ten placental elements, including amino acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, lipids, Carbohydrates, mucopolysaccharides, nucleic acids and regrowth factors. The high-concentration micro-molecular essence extracted from the human placenta can be quickly absorbed by the skin.



Main Effect :

• Firm skin
• Stimulate collagen growth
• Diminish wrinkles
• Even skin tone
• Refine pores


適合外塗,或以美容儀器導入皮膚以發揮更深入功效。用途廣泛, 一般美容儀器 (包括 HiFu, 光學儀器) 後使用,增強療程效果,加速皮膚修復能力。