Cos Therapy Ltd.

N-Finders N-Scaffold

N-Finders N-Scaffold鬢辮填充線來自韓國,採用PDO埋線技術,榮獲得韓國KFDA認證及取得多個業界獎項產品成效及安全均有保證。N-Scaffold以多條埋線複合而成,大大增加埋線跟皮下組織的接觸面,增加纖維蛋白增生,亦在薄弱的頸部肌膚中發揮支架作用,幫助細胞連結,具明顯的填充效果,有效撫平頗固頸紋,增加皮膚彈性。收緊及提升下垂型雙下巴、填充面部凹陷位置、淚溝凹陷、改善假性眼袋、填充法令紋及木偶紋、豐盈蘋果肌。


Features :

N-Scaffold is woven from very fine buried threads, which have considerable flexibility, enhance the effect of lifting and firming the skin, and create a perfect three-dimensional effect. It can improve different parts of the face, effectively fill the stubborn loose texture, fill the neck lines, and tighten the neck skin.

Main Effect :

• Three-dimensional line design, powerful fill-out effect for caved-in areas
• Helps connect cells, has obvious filling effect, effectively smoothes stubborn pits and increases fibrin.
• Enhances the lifting and firming effect of the skin, and exerts a filling effect on weak skin