Cos Therapy Ltd.


N-COG Royal

N-Finders N-COG Royal 雙層提拉線來自韓國,是採用PDO埋線技術,榮獲得韓國KFDA認證及取得多個業界獎項產品成效及安全均有保證。 N-COG Royal利用醫學級縫合線物料製成獨特的360度環迴雙向立體齒牙雙線設計,加強埋線拉提效果,適同於全面的深層拉提,形成締結組織的支架,把下垂肌膚修復至年輕原位。可強效拉緊雙下巴、面頰、塑造立體流暢面形、收緊腮腺輪廓、改善胸部下垂。

Features :

N-COG Royal's double-layer lifting wire's looped bidirectional three-dimensional teeth double wire design makes the lifting force evenly distributed and creates a more natural beauty. It can be used for different thicknesses of skin and different parts of the body. After thread embedding, it can stimulate the proliferation of collagen along the line, increase the plumpness and fullness of the lower layer of the skin, enhance skin elasticity, smooth fine lines, promote subcutaneous blood circulation, and make the skin rosy and shiny.

Main Effect :

• Strongly tighten the double chin, cheeks, create a three-dimensional smooth face, reproduce the contour of the cheek line
• Improve sagging breasts