Cos Therapy Ltd.

N-Finders RE: Mono Thread

N-Finders RE: Mono Thread膠原線來自韓國,採用PDO埋線技術,榮獲得韓國KFDA認證及取得多個業界獎項產品成效及安全均有保證。RE: Mono Thread在皮膚底層組織形成一個隱形支架,促進皮下組織的膠原蛋白增生,增強皮膚彈性、除皺及改善膚質。可提升頸部輪廓減少頸部皮膚鬆弛及改善凹凸洞問題



Main Effect :

• Improve the loss of cortical collagen, enhance the firmness of the epidermis, improve skin wrinkles
• Improve bump holes
• Improve sagging and increase elasticity to achieve tightening effect, create perfect 3D face contours and turn back young
• Tighten double chin to raise neck contours, smooth fine lines, and reduce neck area sagging