Cos Therapy Ltd.

LNC Brightening Soap

LNC 亮膚潔面皂本潔面皂中約 50% 是以美肌與保濕珍貴成分製成,令肌膚愈發水嫩透亮,溫和潔淨去角質。產品不添加以下刺激成分,月桂酸、酒精、石油界面活性劑、抗酸化劑、防腐劑、合成香料及色素。以濃密的泡沫溫柔地清潔肌膚,幫助更新滋養輕熟肌,潔面同時兼具抗衰老功效。有別於棉花糖或奶泡,如絲綢般的觸感令人醉心。淡淡的香葉天竺葵精油的香氣,可使人放鬆心情、精神煥發。具有彈性的泡棉可包覆全臉,並溫柔地吸附、去除髒污。 (乾燥敏感肌肉同適用)

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Main Effect :

• Removes dirt and excessive sebum
• Gently cleanse skin with moisturizing effect

Directions :

Please use after removing makeup. Use a foaming net to add appropriate amount of water to gently rub, then lather and spread evenly on the face. Afterwards, massage the face gently, then rinse the face with lukewarm water until the lather is completely rinsed.
(Notice: Do not use the foaming net to cleanse directly.)